Attach a simple function that will listen all PHP_CompatInfo events, which write start and end audit results in a flat file defined by a php constant.
<?php require_once 'PHP/CompatInfo.php'; define('DEST_PCI_LOG', '/var/log/pciEvents.log'); function debugNotify(&$auditEvent) { $notifyName = $auditEvent->getNotificationName(); $notifyInfo = $auditEvent->getNotificationInfo(); if ($notifyName == PHP_COMPATINFO_EVENT_AUDITSTARTED) { error_log($notifyName.':'. PHP_EOL . var_export($notifyInfo, true) . PHP_EOL, 3, DEST_PCI_LOG); } elseif ($notifyName == PHP_COMPATINFO_EVENT_AUDITFINISHED) { error_log($notifyName.':'. PHP_EOL . var_export($notifyInfo, true) . PHP_EOL, 3, DEST_PCI_LOG); } } $cbObserver = 'debugNotify'; $pci = new PHP_CompatInfo(); $pci->addListener($cbObserver); // ... $source = ''; // <- identify the date source to parse $options = array(); // <- some parser options $pci->parseData($source, $options); $pci->removeListener($cbObserver); ?> |